Pros of Installing Nu-Look Double Glazed Glass in Your New Sunroom

Sunrooms are not merely aesthetic additions to a home. In the current times where most adults contend with demanding careers every single day, having a room in your home where you can enjoy some quiet time while soaking in the sun will prove to be a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of every day demands. But one of the key elements of constructing a sunroom successfully is selecting the right windows. And while traditional annealed glass may be the cheapest option on the shelves, you should note that it cannot offer you the long term benefits that its double glazed counterpart does.

Comprising two bonded panes of glass that are filled with gas and hermetically sealed, Nu-look double glazed glass will offer your new sunroom an array of pros. A couple of advantages are illustrated below.

1. Thermal protection

Thermal protection is not a quality that is associated with glass but you do get to enjoy a degree of this protection when you invest in the double-glazed variety. Unlike other types of windows, Nu-look glass functions to create a thermal barrier. As a result, your home is not directly influenced by the ambient environment outdoors. For instance, you could be thinking that spending time in your sunroom during the summer will be a torturous task since the sweltering heat is bound to make this space feel like an oven. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case. As your air conditioning keeps your interiors cool, you can rest assured that the Nu-look glass will keep the scorching heat out by preventing thermal gain—and vice versa during winter months.

2. Decreased condensation

Condensation is something you see so often on your windows that you may not even think that it poses a serious problem, yet it does. The more condensation collecting on the surface of your glass panes, the more moisture that ends up seeping into the window frames. And if you have timber or steel window frames, it is only a matter of time before they begin to acquire damage in the form of rot or rust, necessitating their eventual replacement. Not to mention the high risk of a mould infestation. However, you should note that condensation simply forms because the interior of your home is much warmer than the exterior is. The best way to mitigate the formation of condensation is to employ double glazed glass in your sunroom. Since there is no heat transfer between the two panes, water droplets do not form.

Further benefits of installing Nu-Look double glazed glass into your new sunroom is enhanced noise insulation, heightened window security, protection from ultraviolet exposure and so on. Contact Nu-Look glass contractors to learn more. 
