3 Important Tips for Maintaining Your Sliding Door Track

Sliding doors look chic and make your home appear more attractive and luxurious. You don't need to use force to push a sliding door along the track. It should move smoothly without the need for physical force. If it takes a sizeable amount of force to push around, you need to do some maintenance, cleaning, and care. Here are 3 important tips for caring for your sliding glass door track.

Routine Cleaning

Sliding door tracks attract dust, debris, lint, bugs, hair and crumbs. They're notoriously tricky to clean when the dirt accumulates. Carrying out routine cleaning is one of the top ways to maintain and care for your sliding door tracks. First, ensure you vacuum the tracks as you clean the rest of your home. Use a small vacuum attachment to ensure you reach into all the corners of the track. You can pick out the large pieces of dirt by hand to make the cleaning process more manageable. 

You can also scrub the tracks using a wire brush and a cleaning solution. You can also use a toothbrush or any other similar tool. As for the cleaning solution, you don't need any complicated product. Any cleaner like dish soap will work fine when combined with some warm water. 

Finally, wipe down the tracks with a paper towel or a rag. Proceed to remove any bits of dirt left using a dry cloth. 

Deep Cleaning

Even if you do routine cleaning regularly, you still need to schedule a deep cleaning. Mix vinegar with cold water and sprinkle baking powder over the tracks. Next, apply a vinegar solution to the track and allow it to soak for a few minutes. This process will help dissolve any dirt that may be stuck in the tracks. Next, scrub down the tracks with a toothbrush or a wire brush. Wipe it down with a rag or a paper towel. 

Lubricate the Track

After your deep cleaning, you should ensure you lubricate the sliding door track. This will prevent sticking and help your sliding door glide smoothly over its track. Preferably, use a silicone-based product to lubricate your door by spraying it as you roll the door on the track in a back-and-forth motion to work in your lubricant. A silicone-based product helps the door glide without attracting grime and dirt as other oil lubricants do. If you need a more natural lubricant, you can use clear paraffin wax along the track.

Your sliding door hardware is just as important as the door itself. Ensure you clean and lubricate your sliding door track to ensure it's gliding smoothly. 
